Ontology Abstraction Framework (OAF)

Citing the Ontology Abstraction Framework (OAF)

When citing the OAF please use the following reference:

Ochs, C., Geller, J., Perl, Y. and Musen, M.A., 2016.
A unified software framework for deriving, visualizing, and exploring abstraction networks for ontologies.
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 62, pp.90-105.

Additional OAF-Related Publications

The following publications describe different modules or features of the OAF.

Ochs, C., Case, J.T. and Perl, Y., 2017.
Analyzing structural changes in SNOMED CT’s Bacterial infectious diseases using a visual semantic delta.
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 67, pp.101-116.

Ochs, C., Perl, Y., Geller, J., Haendel, M., Brush, M., Arabandi, S. and Tu, S., 2015.
Summarizing and visualizing structural changes during the evolution of biomedical ontologies using a Diff Abstraction Network.
Journal of biomedical informatics, 56, pp.127-144.

Ochs, C., Perl, Y., Geller, J. and Musen, M., 2015, November.
Using aggregate taxonomies to summarize SNOMED CT evolution.
Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2015 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1008-1015).

Geller, J., Ochs, C., Perl, Y. and Xu, J., 2012, November.
New abstraction networks and a new visualization tool in support of auditing the SNOMED CT content.
In AMIA Annu Symp Proc. pp. 237-246.